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Dawn Horrell Brooks Always a Friend June 2, 2010

Skip will be so missed. He was a true friend through thick and thin. His friendship never faded through the times or any circumstance. He had the ability to make everyone around him laugh. I will miss you Skippy. I could always talk to and depend on Skip. Rest in Peace My Friend..God Bless your family through this most difficult time..


Love, Dawn Horrell Brooks

Lisa Kingston Nesler good-by my friend June 2, 2010
Words cannot describe my sorrow for losing such a classmate--we attended Woodland Chapel preschool, Muffley, Thomas Jefferson, and Eisenhower together.  Skippy was a good friend to anyone and everyone he met.  I hold comfort in the fact that he is now healthy, and free.  He will be missed, by all of us--my thoughts and prayers are with you Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Suzy and Sheri.  We can, and will, all learn from the disease that consumed him.

Lisa Kingston Nesler
anonymous passing through, not gone June 2, 2010
Smith family & concerned:  Please accept as an extension of serenity this knowledge.  Skip --and countless others--lives on in the work, joy, and gratitude of amazing 12 step people and fellowship.  Skip's incredible talents and gifts are carried through people in fellowships all across the world, as more and more people recover each day from serious disease.  We love you Skip.

-anonymous Decatur neighbor & grateful member of a 12 step fellowship
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